Universal Orchestral Template

Downloads & Instructions


1. Download Project File & Performances

The first step of course is to download the universal orchestral template for Reaper and the performances. Save the project file and performances to a location of your choice.

2. Import Performances to Divisimate

Open Divisimate and navigate to the “Perform” Tab. Open the menu on the upper left and click on “Manage”.

In the Performance Manager you can now import a performance including all of its presets. Click on “Import…” at the bottom right, navigate to the folder where you saved the downloaded files and select the first downloaded *.dpfe file.

Repeat this process for any other Performances that you wish to use in Divisimate.

Now you can load your Performance of choice and use all included presets in Divisimate.

3. Preparing the DAW Project

Open the file Universal Orchestral Template.rpp in Reaper.

You will find individual tracks for every instrument that are receiving MIDI from the correct Divisimate Ports.

All of these tracks are empty, so in order to produce sound, virtual instruments have to be inserted. Click on the “FX” Symbol of each track and insert the virtual instruments of your choice.

Follow the naming of the tracks as you do this, so on the “Piccolo” Track load a piccolo flute instrument, on “Flute 1” a solo flute and so on. Make sure that you use solo instruments for the woodwinds and brass, to ensure a realistic ensemble sound.

4. Record & Play

Now record enable all the instrument tracks, load a preset from one of the dedicated Performances and start playing!

You can now customize the template to your needs – the only thing that is important are the input routings and instrument assignments of the 32 instrument tracks. You can create folders, to group routings, or add more tracks to the project to work with them in bypass mode and of course mix adjust all the mix to your needs.

Use the presets from the imported performance to play the instruments in your new template – and of course feel free to build your own.

This template is only a starting point for your journey with Divisimate.

Learn more about working with Divisimate in Reaper in our Quickstart Guide.


This can have two reasons:

  1. Your Divisimate Ports are not enabled in Reaper. Go to Preferences (Ctrl/Cmd+P) -> MIDI Devices and make sure that all 32 Divisimate Ports are enabled on the input side.
  2. Windows Only: Your Divisimate Ports are being used by a different application – if you have another application running (like another DAW or MIDI Utility) that is using any of the Divisimate Ports, these ports can not be used at the same time in Reaper. Make sure to close this application or at least disconnect the Divisimate Ports.

After you have done that completely close Reaper (without saving the template) and open it up again.

Reaper does not sort MIDI Devices alphabetically by name, but by an arbitrary ID. Therefore it can sometimes happen on Windows that Reaper reconnects to the wrong ports when a project is opened on a new system. If this happens to you, just reassign the tracks to the Divisimate Ports starting at Port 01 with the Piccolo and ending at Port 32 with the Basses.

Save your project, and the next time you open the template, the routings should remain intact.

Since keyswitches are very different between different brands of virtual instruments, this template does not offer dedicated keyswitch-triggers or ranges.

You can however modify your the presets from the template to use keyswitches with the instruments of you choice.

Check out this article to learn more.

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