Synchron Prime Template

Downloads & Instructions

Cubase / Nuendo

1. Install Instruments

This template was designed for the use with virtual instruments by Vienna Symphonic Library. In order for it to work as intended, licenses and installations of the following libraries are required.

Synchron Prime Edition

The Synchron Prime Edition is a comprehensive selection of orchestral instruments recorded at the renowned Synchron Stage Vienna.

There is a free 30-day trial available for this library.

Vienna Soft Imperial

To include a piano in the template, we used the Soft Imperial, a  free piano instrument available for Synchron Player.

This library is available for free at

2. Download Project File & Performances

The first step of course is to download the Synchron Prime template for Cubase / Nuendo with the performances and presets. Click the button below to start the download:

The downloaded file is compressed as a zip-archive. Unpack the archive and save its contents to a safe place to use them in the next steps.

3. Prepare Divisimate

Import Performances

Open Divisimate and navigate to the “Perform” Tab. Open the menu on the upper left and click on “Manage”.

In the Performance Manager you can now import a performance including all of its presets. Click on “Import…” at the bottom right, navigate to the folder where you saved the downloaded files and select the first downloaded *.dpfe file.

Repeat this process for any other Performances that you wish to use in Divisimate.

Now you can load your Performance of choice and use all included presets in Divisimate.

Optional: Import Trigger Plugin Presets

In the download there is also a folder named “Divsimate Plugin Presets”, two with presets for the Trigger plugin.

Open Divisimate and in the preset menu click “Manage” (Cmd+M / Ctrl+M). This will open up the folder containing all presets and user settings for Divisimate. Navigate to the plugins folder, create a subfolder “Trigger”, and within that a subfolder “Presets”. If you previously saved Trigger presets yourself, this folder will already exist.

Copy the content’s of the downloaded folder in this directory. After this you will be able access the presets in the preset menu of the trigger plugin.

4. Preparing the DAW Project

Make sure that Divisimate is open. Open the file Synchron Prime Template.cpr with Cubase or Nuendo.

In Cubase/Nuendo go to Studio/Audio Connections and under “Outputs” select your standard output device.

If it is your first time using Divisimate with Cubase or Nuendo, go to Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Port Setup. Disable the checkbox In ‘All MIDI Inputs’ for all Divisimate Ports except for Divisimate Port 01. This is necessary to prevent Cubase from receiving 32 duplicates of the incoming signal, when Divisimate is bypassed and forwarding MIDI-messages simultaneously to all MIDI ports.

If you’re on Windows also disable the checkbox In ‘All MIDI Inputs’ for all MIDI controllers you want to use in Divisimate.

You can customize the template to your liking and adjust the balance and mix. There is a reverb bus that has an instance of REVerence on it. Feel free to replace this with your own reverb of choice.

5. Record & Play

Now record enable all the instrument tracks, load a preset from one of the dedicated Performances and start playing! If you want to go back to working on a track-by-track basis, just set Divisimate to bypass and only record enable a single track.

This template is only a starting point for your journey with Divisimate and the Synchron Prime Edition.

A screenshot of Cubase and Divisimate recording multiple tracks of MIDI data

Learn more about working with Divisimate in Cubase and Nuendo in our Quickstart Guide.


First make sure that that all the tracks are record enabled or have at least the monitor button engaged.

If you still can’t hear sound, make sure that either the output of your master channel is properly routed to the output of your soundcard under Studio/Audio Connections or the Control Room feature is set up correctly. Refer to the Cubase / Nuendo manual for more information on how to do this.

Open the door to a whole new workflow

Divisimate is available as a standalone orchestration software for music creators. Compose, orchestrate and record all instruments at once in your DAW.

$199 | 175€ | 155£

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