Working with Divisimate

We want you to get the most out of Divisimate, so we've created a range of resources to help you along the way. Whether you're a beginner or have been working with Divisimate for years - there's something here for everyone.

DAW Quickstarts

Learn how set up your version of Divisimate with your Daw.

Divisimate 2

Divisimate Micro

The Basics

Get an overview and learn how to orchestrate your music with Divisimate.

Full Guide

Video Tutorials

Look through our video tutorial playlists to get started with Divisimate.

Divisimate 2

Divisimate Micro


Want to jump right in? Get started with our free templates

View Templates


Looking for a place to discuss your music, get feedback and share your experience with Divisimate?

Join our Discord community


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Check out our support page