Quickstart Divisimate Micro

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In this quickstart we will go through the steps to send the individual notes from 4-note chords through Divisimate Micro to four different instruments in Ableton Live.

  1. Open a session in Live and switch to the Arrangement View by clicking the icon in the upper right corner or by pressing TAB.
  2. Delete the two default audio tracks (if you don’t plan to use them) and create 3 more MIDI tracks.
  3. Insert Divisimate Micro from the Plug-Ins Category on the first track. You should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window. Choose your keyboard controller as input device for this track. This step is necessary to avoid feedback loops!
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  1. Insert a virtual instrument of your choice on each of the following tracks. Set the midi-input of the first of those four tracks from All Ins to Divismate Port 01, the following track’s midi input to Divisimate Port 02 and so on.

Record enable all tracks.

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  1. Now you can play the four instruments with Divisimate and record the result in Ableton Live!
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If the Divisimate Ports are not displayed in the input selection menu of your tracks make sure that the ports are enabled for tracks in the preferences.

Important Settings

If the Divisimate Ports are not displayed in the input selection menu of your tracks make sure that the ports are enabled for tracks in the preferences.

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In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes of 4-note chords to four different instruments in Cakewalk.

  1. Create a new session in Cakewalk.
  2. Make sure that in Edit > Preferences > MIDI > Devices all the Divisimate Ports are activated. Unfortunately Cakewalk does not sort MIDI ports by name, so they may appear out of order in the list of inputs.
  3. Create an instrument track with Divisimate Micro as instrument.
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You should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window.

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  1. Select your keyboard controller as input for the track. This is important to avoid feedback loops.
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  1. Create 4 instrument-tracks with virtual instruments of your choice.
  2. Set the input of those 4 tracks to Divisimate Ports 01 through 04. You can choose the input either on the track itself or via the inspector. Also, make sure the tracks are record-enabled and Input Echo is switched on.
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  1. Now you can play the four instruments through Divisimate and record the result. Have fun orchestrating and composing!
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In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes of 4-note chords to four different instruments in Cubase/Nuendo.

  1. Open a session in Cubase/Nuendo and add a new instrument track.
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  1. In the instrument track dialog select “Divisimate Micro” as instrument, choose your controller and a name.
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If you want to use multiple input devices for Divisimate Micro see the instructions here.

You should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window.

  1. Next create four new instrument-tracks with any virtual instruments of your choice
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  1. Set the first track’s midi-input to Divismate Port 01, the following track’s midi input to Divisimate Port 02 and so on.
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Note: There’s a search function in this menu, so you can quickly find the ports you’re looking for. After entering the menu, type in the port number you are looking for and the list will get filtered.

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  1. Now record-enable all five instrument tracks. Per default you can do this by simply selecting the tracks. Click on the first one and shift-click on the last one or ctrl/cmd-click on the ones you like to play. Now Cubase/Nuendo should automatically record-enable the selected tracks.
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  1. Now you can play the four instruments in Divisimate!
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Important Settings

You can use multiple inputs, for example a keyboard controller and a breath controller. To do this, go to Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Port Setup and enable the checkbox In ‘All MIDI Inputs’ for the controllers you want to use. In turn, you have to disable the checkboxes In ‘All MIDI Inputs’ for each and every Divisimate Port to avoid feedback loops.

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Now you can set the Divisimate Micro track input to All MIDI In and record only your selected controllers together with Divisimate Micro.

In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes of 4-note chords to four different instruments in Digital Performer.

  1. Create a new session in DP.
  2. Activate the “Multi Record” option in the Studio menu.
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  1. Create an instrument track with Divisimate Micro by clicking Project > Add Track > Instrument Track > Nextmidi > Divisimate Micro.
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You should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window.

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  1. Select your keyboard controller as input for the track.
  2. Create 4 instrument-tracks with virtual instruments of your choice.
  3. Set the input of those 4 tracks to Divisimate Ports 01 through 04. Also, make sure the tracks are record-enabled.
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  1. Now you can play the four instruments through Divisimate and record the result. Have fun orchestrating and composing!
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In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes of 4-note chords to four different instruments in Logic Pro.

Compatibility Note

Divisimate Micro is not compatible with Logic Pro 10.6 and below.

  1. Open a session in Logic and add a new instrument track.
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You should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window.

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  1. Go to the inspector of the Divisimate Micro track and select your Keyboard Controller as MIDI input for the track.
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  2. Next create four new instrument-tracks with any virtual instruments of your choice
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  1. Set the first track’s midi-input to Divismate Port 01, the following track’s midi input to Divisimate Port 02 and so on.
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  1. Now record-enable all five instrument tracks. Per default you can do this by simply selecting the tracks. Click on the first one and shift-click on the last one or ctrl/cmd-click on the ones you like to play. Now Cubase/Nuendo should automatically record-enable the selected tracks.
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  1. Now you can play the four instruments in Divisimate Micro!
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Important Settings

When you build larger orchestrations with Divisimate Micro, you are playing a larger number of instruments live than you usually would. This can put additional strain on your system and be demanding on your CPU. To ensure ideal performance, make sure that your multithreading settings are set to include live tracks.

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In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes of 4-note chords to four different instruments in Pro Tools.

  1. Create a new session in Pro Tools.
  2. Create an instrument track and name it Divisimate Micro.
  3. Load Divisimate Micro into the first insert slot on this track. You should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window.
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  1. Select your keyboard controller as input for the track. This is an important step, otherwise you can create a feedback loop.
  2. Create 4 instrument-tracks with virtual instruments of your choice.
  3. Set the input of those 4 tracks to Divisimate Ports 01 through 04. If you can not see any Divisimate Ports as input options for your instrument tracks, go to Setup > MIDI > Input Devices and make sure all Divisimate Ports are activated.
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  1. Make sure to record enable all the tracks.
  2. Now you can play the four instruments through Divisimate and record the result. Have fun orchestrating and composing!
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In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes of 4-note chords to four different instruments in Reaper.

  1. Open a session in Reaper and go to Options > Preferences > Audio > MIDI Devices and make sure all Divisimate Ports are enabled. You can click on the first one, shift-click on the last one and enable them all in one go with right-click/ctrl-click > enable input.
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  1. Create an instrument track by clicking Track > Insert virtual instrument on a new track and select Divisimate as instrument.
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You should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window.

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Select your keyboard controller as input for the track.

  1. Create 4 instrument-tracks and insert instruments of your choice.
  2. Make sure, that the tracks are record-enabled. If they are not, enable them by shift-clicking the arm-button of the tracks you want to play. You can also enable a bunch at once by selecting them (click on the first one and shift-click on the last one) before clicking on record-arm.
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  1. Set the first track’s midi-input from MIDI: All: All channels to Input: MIDI > Divismate Port 01 > All Channels, the following track’s MIDI input to MIDI > Divismate Port 02 > All Channels and so on.
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  1. Now you can play the four instruments through Divisimate and record the result in Reaper. Have fun orchestrating and composing!
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Important Settings

If you want to play many instruments live in Reaper it is important to turn on live FX multiprocessing to distribute the CPU load across multiple cores.

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In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes of 4-note chords to four different instruments in Studio One.

  1. Open a new session in Studio One and open the “Options…”-panel by clicking on Studio One > Options.
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  1. Navigate to the “External Devices” and click on “Add…”
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  1. Select “New Keyboard” and type in the Port Name under “Device Name”
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  1. Under “Receive from” select the Divisimate Port you are setting up, in this case Divisimate Port 01
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  1. Repeat this process for every Divisimate Port you want to use, we’re adding 4 ports here. The bad news is to use all 16, you will need to add them all manually. The good news is that you only have to do that once, and then the connections will be saved.
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  1. Add a new track by pressing T, choose a name, choose your keyboard controller for input and New Instrument / Divisimate Micro for Output.
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  1. When you open the instrument editor on that newly created track, you should now see Divisimate Micro with a default 4 by 4 routing in a plugin window.
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  1. Create 4 instrument-tracks with instruments of your choice. Make sure to choose Divisimate Port 01 as Input, if you check the option “Ascending”, Studio One will connect Port 02-04 subsequently for you.
  2. Record-enable all the tracks.
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  3. Now you can play the four instruments through Divisimate and record the result in Studio One. Have fun orchestrating and composing!
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Download the Full Manual

Download Manual for Divisimate Micro