Getting Started with Divisimate in

Studio One


In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes 4-note chords to four different instruments in Studio One.


Setup Divisimate

1) On MacOS: open Divisimate before you open your DAW (the virtual midi ports are only available when Divisimate is running).

2) Manually activate 4 voices in the lower part of the GUI above the keyboard by clicking on ‘4’ and connect the 4 voices to the first 4 Out-Ports on the left by clicking in the matrix.

Alternatively you can load the factory preset “4vc – 4 parts” on the perform page.

3) Make sure that your MIDI input device is activated in the settings.

Setup Studio One

1) Open a new session in Studio One and open the “Options…”-Panel.


2) Navigate to the “External Devices” and click on “Add…”

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3) Select “New Keyboard” and type in the Port Name under “Device Name”


4) Under “Receive from” select the Divisimate Port you are setting up, in this case Divisimate Port 01


5) Repeat this process for every Divisimate Port you want to use, we’re adding 4 ports here. The bad news is to use all 32, you will need to add them all manually. The good news is that you only have to do that once, and then the connections will be saved.


6) Go back to your project and add 4 instrument tracks. Select Divisimate Port 01 as Input and click “Ascending” to automatically assign different Ports to each track.


7) Now you can play the four instruments with Divisimate and record the result in Studio One!

Important Settings

If you want to go back to working the traditional way track-by-track, simply press ‘Bypass’ or the shortcut [b] in Divisimate. Divisimate will then send all midi events and CCs directly through to all ports without any delay or latency. This way you can just record enable any track.

Careful: If you have instruments using the option “All MIDI In”, you should use the power button (or the [ESC] key) to turn Divisimate off to avoid note duplicates.

Additional Resources

Creating a Loopback Track in Studio One

Skip to 7:09 to learn how to set up a loopback track in Studio One


Open the door to a whole new workflow

Divisimate is available as a standalone software for Mac and PC. The remote control app “DivisiControl” is available for iOS (iPad and iPhone) and Android (Phone & Tablet)

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