Getting Started with Divisimate in

Logic Pro (10.6 or earlier)


Unfortunately Logic Pro X has some limitations in the MIDI routing department. While recording MIDI on different tracks it can only distinguish between MIDI Channels, not between individual Input Devices. That means that a maximum of 16 individual parts can be recorded in Logic at a time. The Logic Mode simplifies this setup, but only one of the displayed ports (A/B) can be used at a time.

In this tutorial we will go through the steps to send the individual notes 4-note chords to four different instruments in Logic Pro X.


Setup Divisimate

1) On MacOS: open Divisimate before you open your DAW (the virtual midi ports are only available when Divisimate is running).

2) Go to Settings and activate Logic Mode

Logic Mode (2)

3) Manually activate 4 voices in the lower part of the GUI above the keyboard by clicking on ‘4’ and connect the 4 voices to the first 4 Out-Ports on the left by clicking in the matrix.

Alternatively you can load the factory preset “4vc – 4 parts” on the perform page.

3) Make sure that your MIDI input device is activated in the settings.

Setup Logic Pro X

1) Open a session in Logic Pro and create four instrument-tracks.

2) Set the first track’s midi-channel from All to 1, the following track’s midi-channel to 2 and so on. To play the 4-voice-preset you built in Divisimate, you need to connect at least Channel 1-4.

choose midi channel

4) Open the MIDI-Environment (Window > Open MIDI Environment) and go to the Layer Click & Ports.

Extend the Physical Input item by dragging at the edge in order to see all the inputs. Delete all items except Physical Input, Sequencer Input and MIDI Click by drawing a rectangle around it and hitting delete.


Connect Divisimate Port 01 to the Sequencer Input by clicking the tiny triangle corresponding to Divisimate Port 01 and dragging it to the Sequencer Input.


5) Go to Logic Pro X > Preferences > Recording… and then to Recording Project Settings.

rec project settings

Activate Auto demix by channel if multitrack recording and deactivate MIDI data reduction and  Auto-erase Duplicates.

midi options


6) Now record-enable all the tracks you want to play and have fun orchestrating and composing!

record enable

Important Settings

If you want to go back to working the traditional way track-by-track, simply press ‘Bypass’ or the shortcut [b] in Divisimate. In Logic Mode Divisimate will then send all midi events and CCs through to Port 01 and 02 on Channel 1 without any delay or latency. This way you can just record enable any single track and play them without Divisimate.


If you can’t see Divisimate Ports in your environment, go to Logic Pro X > Preferences > MIDI and make sure they are activated as inputs. It may also be a good idea to deactivate your MIDI keyboard here, to avoid any duplicates.

port active


If you are having trouble with CPU spikes while playing multiple instruments, go to Preferences > Audio > Devices and make sure that under Multithreading the option Playback & Live tracks is enabled.

Additional Resources

Logic Mode Explained

A closer explanation of the Logic Mode and tutorial for setting up a string quartet with Divisimate in Logic Pro.

Creating a Loopback Track in Logic Pro

Skip to 2:27 to see a quick tutorial of setting up a Loopback Track in Logic Pro.

Walkthrough: SWAM Big Band Template for Logic Pro

A walkthrough of the free SWAM Big Band template in Logic Pro.

Open the door to a whole new workflow

Divisimate is available as a standalone software for Mac and PC. The remote control app “DivisiControl” is available for iOS (iPad and iPhone) and Android (Phone & Tablet)

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