12. July 2023

New: Prime Inspiration Vol. 3

While we are in the middle of our Summer Sale, we are happy to share a new set of orchestration presets for the Synchron Prime Template:  

Prime Inspiration Vol. 3

Like the first two installments of this category, these 20 presets are designed to inspire and really work with all the features that Divisimate has to offer. Melody and low ranges are utilized to provide different textures within the same preset. Repeater plugins introduce automatic rhythms. Scale-Locked transposers create automatic harmonies. Just import the performance into Divisimate and explore these orchestrations with the Synchron Prime Template.

Use the modwheel to shape the dynamics of the orchestrations and patterns and also experiment with hitting the keys softer and harder.


The presets in Prime Inspiration Vol. 3 are designed for the Synchron Prime Template and can be downloaded for free. Please note that the performance is not yet available for the full Synchron Collections template.

New to the Template?

If you are new to this, you can download the full Synchron Prime template, which will has been updated to include this performance.

Already got the Template?

If you already use the Synchron Prime Template, you can download just the new Performance with the presets to import in Divisimate.

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